Advanced search help you to sort out students according to your preference, and you can take further action or send messages in groups.
1. Go to Student, then click on the filter beside the searching bar.
2. Select condition for searching.
3. Select is or contains.
* is = equal (exactly the same)
* contains = contains words
Example: Search "li", search results containing "li" will appear. "Li", "Colin", Ling, etc.
4. Input key words, then search. Students with "li" including in their display name, full name, first name or last name will appear.
5. Click "Plus" for advanced search.
6. Select second condition.
* matches = Result including same combination in address
Example: Search kwun tong, search results matching kwun tong will appear.
* When selecting "is" blank, students with no address recorded will appear.
7. Search students by enrollment. Select Date range of the lessons, then select other criteria if you need.
* any = all