Store panel is a setting that controls courses to display in your online store.
1. Go to > Settings > Permissions, enable "Access to Store" for relevant users.
2. Go to Channels > Online store
3. Search the course that needs to be edited, then click on the row.
4. You may delete the fee or add a new fee for the course.
* Only fixed quota fees can be used in the store. Monthly fees cannot be used in the store.
5. Course can be integrated with Google Meet or Zoom.
* Enable Google Meet or Zoom in system settings first.
* Zoom is only active when Schedule source is "Teacher availability in roster".
6. Check "Show in Store" to activate the course in store.
7. Course information can be input in "Course Brief Description", that will be showed in the store.
8. Upload pictures to express features of different courses.
9. Select "Schedule source".
* Timetable = Lessons exist in timetable
* Teacher availability in roster = The store displays the course schedule by the teacher’s roster in interval of lesson duration
10. Input the teacher, the store displays the course schedule by the teacher’s roster in interval of lesson duration. Timeslot already booked in timetable will not be displayed.
If no teacher is input, the course schedule in the timetable will be displayed.
* Teacher needs to be applied with the roster. See the link below for your information.
* Lessons show in store according to lesson duration.
Teacher's available timeslots will show in store.
11. Select "Student can choose".
One lesson = Students can select lessons for a package one by one.
All lessons = Students must enroll the entire lessons for a package. For example, a summer camp package of 10 lessons which exists in timetable, students must enroll in the whole series of 10 lessons.
12. Click "Public URL" to copy the URL, then you can paste it in your Website, Facebook or send the URL to the students for them to enroll.