Student's attendance can be marked by scanning barcode.
To print out barcode
1. Go to Student, then select the students you want to create barcode.
2. Click 3 dots on the right, and select Print Label (Barcode).
3. Label is printed out.
Note: Use Herma No. 4273 52,5 x 21,2mm label
Taking attendance by scanning barcode
1. Go to Timetable, click 3 dots on the right, then select "Check in by scan device".
2. Scan the student barcode. The student's name, picture, check in time and the lesson details show in this page.
Note: Attendance should be taken 30 minutes before or after the lesson start time.
3. Student marked present at the same time in timetable.
4. If the student has other lessons in the same day, the entire lessons marked as present as well.
5. Second time scanning marked the student check out from the current lesson, and it reflected the status of student's up coming lesson at the bottom.
6. When the student checked out from the first lesson, the coming lesson marked absent.
The attendance status will be changed to present until the student check in again.
7. Record can be found in User Log Report.