Zapier helps to sync the students data between Schooltracs and third-party softwares automatically without manual input.
Apps available in https://
1. Sign up in Zapier
Go to
2. Sign up with Google and create password.
3. Create Zap.
4. Search "From" software.
5. Select "New Student", then "Continue".
6. Connect a new account.
7. Find the API key in the system, then copy.
8. Paste on Zapier, then continue.
9. Test trigger and "Continue".
10. Search "To" software.
11. Select "Create Lead" and "Continue".
12. Connect a new account.
13. Sign in your CRM account and continue.
14. . Select field to match with the software.
For example, "Opportunity" in CRM should match "Name" in SchoolTracs.
"Email" should match "Email" in the SchoolTracs.
15. Click 'Test action".
16. Publish Zap.
17. Publish & Turn On.
18. It is done. Go to My Zaps.
19. Create a new student in SchoolTracs. The student's info transfers to CRM.